[Security:090482]BAD_CERTIFICATE alert was received from – Check the peer to determine why it rejected the certificate chain
Continue readingTroubleshooting SSL issues
Signature verification failed because RSA key public exponent [3] is too small RSA Keys with Public Exponent results in faulty
Continue readingConfiguring OpenDS with Weblogic Server
Download Install and Configure OpenDS. I used the following LDIF as BASE while installing OpenDS. dn: dc=oracle,dc=com dc: oracle objectClass:
Continue readingSSL Vulnerabilites
SSL Server allows Anonymous Authentication Vulnerability This basically means that the client will be able to connect to the Server
Continue readingJMS Resources using JMX
import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import;
Continue readingUsing Canned Policy with Weblogic Server. package demo; import weblogic.jws.WLHttpTransport; import weblogic.jws.Policies; import weblogic.jws.Policy; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding; @WebService(name=”SimpleWSPortType”, serviceName=”SimpleWSService”, targetNamespace=””) @SOAPBinding(style=SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use=SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL,
Continue readingConfigure JCE Provider with Weblogic Server
Download any JCE Provider. These JCE providers provide additional cryptographic algorithms to secure the communication. Bouncy castle is one such
Continue readingImport and Export users from Embedded LDAP using WLST
Export connect(‘weblogic’,’weblogic’, ‘t3://localhost:8003′) domainRuntime() cd(‘/DomainServices/DomainRuntimeService/DomainConfiguration/DomainA/SecurityConfiguration/DomainA/DefaultRealm/myrealm/AuthenticationProviders/DefaultAuthenticator’) cmo.exportData(‘DefaultAtn’,’c:/export.ldif’, Properties()) Import connect(‘weblogic’,’weblogic’, ‘t3://localhost:8003′) domainRuntime() cd(‘/DomainServices/DomainRuntimeService/DomainConfiguration/DomainB/SecurityConfiguration/DomainB/DefaultRealm/myrealm/AuthenticationProviders/DefaultAuthenticator’) cmo.importData(‘DefaultAtn’,’c:/export.ldif’, Properties())
Continue readingTroubleshooting Kerberos Issues with Weblogic Server
Found NTLM token when expecting SPNEGO The browser is not set up correctly to send a spnego token, go back
Continue readingSecuring Webservices using BASIC Authentication on Weblogic Server.
To secure the Webservice to use Basic Authentication, we just need to use the @RolesAllowed annotation. No change needs to
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