Perl Scripting for Beginners

While learning Perl these are the few scripts I developed.

I am not an expert in perl but I know enough to accomplish my tasks

Execute the code and understand it. You might find a better way to accomplish a certain task, do
share it with us.

#! /usr/bin/perl

#Adding two numbers.

$c = $a + $b;
print “The sum is $c n”;


#! /usr/bin/perl

#Adding two numbers.

($a, $b)= (5,7);
$c = $a + $b;
print “The sum is $c n”;


#! /usr/bin/perl

#Adding two numbers.

print “Enter First Value n”;
print “Enter Second value n”;

print “The sum is $c n”;


#! /usr/bin/perl

#Adding two numbers.

print “Enter two values n”;
print “The sum is”,$a+$b, “n”;
print “The sum is $a+$b n”;

#! /usr/bin/perl

$x=’abc xyz’;
print “$x n”;


#! /usr/bin/perl

$y = qq//xyz//;

print “$x $y”;

#! /usr/bin/perl

print “The value is $x n”;
undef $x;
printf “The value afer undef is $x n”;

#! /usr/bin/perl

printf “Enter Name : “;

if ( -f $a){
printf “File n”; }

elsif (-d $a){
printf “Directory n”; }

else {
printf “Something else n”; }


#! /usr/bin/perl


foreach $x ( `ls` )

if ( -f $x){
$file++; }
if ( -d $x){
$dir++; } }

printf “Count of Files $file n”;
printf “Count of Directories $dir n”;


#! /usr/bin/perl


foreach ( `ls` )
if ( -f $_){
$file++; }
if ( -d $_){
$dir++; } }

printf “Count of Files $file n”;
printf “Count of Directories $dir n”;

Find the file names which has a in them
#! /usr/bin/perl
foreach $x ( `ls` )
if ($indexVal >= ‘0′)
printf “file name with a is :$x n”; } }


Find all file names wit dot in it


Using string functions
#! /usr/bin/perl

$str=”My name is khan”;

printf “index of i is : $indexInt n”;

printf “Length of string is : $lengthStrn”;

printf “Reverse of strng is : $reverseStrn”;

printf “reverse index of i is : $rindexInt n”;
printf “substring is : $subStr n”;

printf “lowercase string is : $lcStr n”;


Using Number Functions

#! /usr/bin/perl

print abs(-1);
print “n”;
print int(“45?);
print “n”;
print sin(90);
print “n”;
print cos(90);
print “n”;
print exp(2);
print “n”;
print sqrt(4);
print “n”;
print rand();
print “n”


Conditions and loops

Take a filename, in that filename find out that there is no repitition of the same character.

(Using While loop )

#! /usr/bin/perl

foreach $x ( `ls` )


while ($lengthStr !=0 ){

$char = substr($x,$pos,$index-$lengthStr);


# printf “char $char + lengthStr $lengthStr + index $index pos $pos n”;

$tempStr = substr($x,$pos,$index);
# print “tempStr $tempStr”;


if ($indexInt >= 0)
printf “repetition of character $char in file $x n”; }

} }



#! /usr/bin/perl


print ” x : @x n”;
print ” y : @y n”;
print ” z : @z n”;
print ” p : @p n”;
print ” q : @q n”;

$length = @q;

print ” length of q : $length n”;


Deleting elements of array and increasing size

#! /usr/bin/perl

print ” original array @x n”;
print ” spliced array @x n”;

# Increasing array limit


print ” increased array @x n”;

Selective copying of array

#! /usr/bin/perl


print ” array x @x n”;
print ” array y @y n”;

Splitting array
#! /usr/bin/perl

print “value of y @y n “;

Joining aray

#! /usr/bin/perl

$y= join(”,@x);
print “value of y $y n “;
Sorting array…

#! /usr/bin/perl

@y= sort { $a <=> $b} @x;
print “value of y @y n “;

popping, shifting and unshifting…
#! /usr/bin/perl
print “after poppin @x n “;

print “after shifting @x n “;

print “after un shifting @x n “;

#! /usr/bin/perl
@x= sort {$b<=>$a} @y;

$length = @x;


for $a (@x)
# printf ” a = $a n”;
$curr = @x[$pos];

$temp = $pos+1;
$next = @x[$temp];

# printf ” pos $pos curr $curr next $next n”;
if ($curr == $next )
# printf ” curr == next! n”;
printf “$temp:@x[$pos]n “;
printf “$temp:@x[$temp]n”;
$pos++; }
else {
printf “$temp:@x[$pos]n”; }

if($pos >= $length)
exit } }


Working with associative array

#! /usr/bin/perl


print %emp;
$x = keys %emp;
$y = values %emp;

print “keys $x n”;
print “values $y n”;

print “n $emp{102} n”;

foreach $k (sort{$a cmp $b}keys %emp)

print “$k => $emp{$k} n”; }

Creating hash with key and value taken from the keyboard.

#! /usr/bin/perl
foreach $k (1..4)
print “Enter key and pair values n”;


print %emp;


Reversing hash -> key becomes value and value becomes hash

#! /usr/bin/perl


print %emp;
print “n”;
print “After reversingn”; %emp = reverse %emp;
print %emp;
print “n”;



# Creating reference for a scalar in perl
#! /usr/bin/perl
print “Referencing scalar n”;

print “$xn”;
print “$yn”;
print “Dereferencing y $$yn”;

#Creating reference for an array in perl


print “Referencing array n”;
print “@xn”;
print “$yn”;
print “Dereferencing y @$yn”;

# to dereference individual element

print “Dereferencing fist element $$y[0]n”;

#Creating reference for hash in perl


print “Referencing hash n”;
print %x;
print “n”;
print “$yn”;
print “Dereferencing y”,%$y,”n”;

Printing content of an array in perl

#! /usr/bin/perl


foreach $i (0,1,2)

foreach $j (0,1,2)
print “x[$i][$j]= $x[$i][$j] t”; }
print “n”; }


Adding two array in perl

#! /usr/bin/perl


foreach $i (0,1)
foreach $j (0,1)
$a[$i][$j] = $x[$i][$j] + $y[$i][$j];
print “a[$i][$j]= $a[$i][$j] t”; }
print “n”; }


Array of hashes in perl

#! /usr/bin/perl

#Array oh hashes



print “Dereferencing hashref0 “,%$hashref0,”n”;
print “Dereferencing hashref1 “,%$hashref1,”n”;
print “Dereferencing hashref2 “,%$hashref2,”n”;
print “Dereferencing hashref3 “,%$hashref3,”n”;


#! /usr/bin/perl


foreach $k (values %h)
@a[$k]=$h{$k}; }

print “$arrRef0 $arrRef1 $arrRef2?;

Print the hash values in perl



Defining Sub routines in perl

#! /usr/bin/perl

print ” Enter temperature in Fahrenheit n”;


print “The result is $celn”;

sub cal()
$cel= ($f-32)*5/9; }

Returning values from sub routine in perl

#! /usr/bin/perl

print “The sum is $sum n”;
sub cal()
print “Enter two numbers. n”;
return ($n1+$n2); }

Using Local variables in subroutines using my in perl

#! /usr/bin/perl

print “The sum is $sum n”;
sub cal()
my ($n1,$n2);
print “Enter two numbers. n”;
return ($n1+$n2); }

Passing values to the function using @_

#! /usr/bin/perl

print “The sum is $sum n”;
sub cal()
my ($n1,$n2)=@_;
print “Enter two numbers. n”;
return ($n1+$n2); }


Anonymous subroutine in perl

#! /usr/bin/perl

$subref =sub{
my ($a,$b)=@_;
print $a+$b;
print “n”; };


Finding maximum value in an array by passing array

#! /usr/bin/perl



print ” maximum value $max n”;

sub getmaxarray()
my ($x)=@_;

for $a (@x)

if($temp < $a)
$temp=$a; } }
return $temp; }


Finding maximum value in an array by passing array reference



print ” maximum value $max n”;

sub getmaxarray()
my ($y)=@_;

for $a (@$y)

if($temp < $a)
$temp=$a; } }
return $temp;



Regular Expressions in perl

Print list of all files in the current directory which starts with a

#! /usr/bin/perl

foreach $x (`ls`)

print “$xn”; } }

Change filename which filename more that 10 characters to capital letter.

#! /usr/bin/perl

foreach $x (`ls`)

$x =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
print “Length greater than 10 $x n”; }