JSP Precompilation in WebLogic Application Server: Performance is paramount for any production system. A few seconds saved at the bottle
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WLST Script to deploy jar file on Weblogic Server
print 'deploying jar…' connect('weblogic','weblogic123','t3://localhost:7001') try: undeploy('app') print 'Redeploying' except Exception: print 'Deploy' status = deploy(appName='app', path='app.jar',targets='AdminServer,', libraryModule='true') print status
Continue readingWeblogic Server Administration for Beginners.
This article is for System Admins who are new to Weblogic Administration. The following are the day to day task
Continue readingSample JMX Code to retrieve JDBC Connection Pool Parameter
import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; import javax.management.*; import javax.management.remote.*; import javax.naming.Context; import weblogic.jndi.Environment; import weblogic.management.*; public class JDBCConnectionPoolProperties { static MBeanServerConnection
Continue readingConfiguring Datasource on Weblogic Server
Precondition: We will create a Data Source using PostgresSQL. In order to test it you will have to install Postgres
Continue readingWLST Script to rotate server log file
You can use the script below to rotate server log files using WLST connect('weblogic','weblogic123','t3://localhost:7001') serverRuntime() cd('LogRuntime/AdminServer') cmo.forceLogRotation() print 'Log file
Continue readingWLST Script to start and stop Datasource
Script to start Datasource connect('weblogic','weblogic123','t3://localhost:7001') domainRuntime() cd('ServerRuntimes/AdminServer/JDBCServiceRuntime/AdminServer/JDBCDataSourceRuntimeMBeans/PegaRULES') objArray = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object) strArray = jarray.array([], java.lang.String) invoke('start', objArray, strArray) exit()
Continue readingsteps to create datasource in Jboss eap
You need to create oraclejdbcmain folder under modules and keep the module.xml and ojdbc6.jar there module.xml <?xml version="1.0"
Continue readingMemory Leak Overview
[gview file=”https://weblogic-wonders.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/d5ba5-memory_leak.pptx”]
Continue readingDeploying Tuxedo 12c JCA Adapter rar file in Weblogic server 11g
Step 1: Download JCA adapter rar file from oracle site. Step2: Unzip the rar file into a folder.
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