Reset WebSphere admin console password

As a WebSphere admin one of the commonly seen issue is how to reset the WebSphere admin console password.

Well below are the steps to reset our WebSphere Admin Console Password

1) Using Admin Console:

To reset the password using the admin console

a) Go to DMGR profile config cells directory.

b) Edit the file(After taking backup) — security.xml and change the enabled value to false(refer to the below attachments)



c) Now, log in to the admin console, go to Security tab>Global Security>select Enable Administrative Security>Click on Security   Configuration Wizard>

Then click on Next. And Select the user repository as Federated repositories.
After entering the user name and password logout from admin console. Since, the changes are related to configuration restart the dmgr server instance to reflect the changes

2. Using wsadmin utility:

To reset the password using wsadmin tool:-

a) Go to WAS-Home>bin>./ –lang jython –username wasadm –password wasadm123

b) Execute the below commands.


c) Reset the password using steps described above in section:1.c)


This will reset your wasadmin password.

Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any queries.


Wonders Team