This is a simple example of Configuring IIS(running on default port 80) on Weblogic Server. Create two Weblogic Servers running on Port 7001 and 7003, create a Cluster and add the two Servers to the Cluster. Deploy an application on the Cluster and after the configuration on ISS, access the application as
Step-1). Make a directory on the IIS box for the plug-in.
For instance: c:InetpubWLS_IIS_Plugin
Step-2). Copy iisforward.dll and iisproxy.dll to this new directory. These files are located at:
10.0: wlserver_10.0serverpluginwin32
10.3: wlserver_10.3serverpluginwin32
Step-3).To install iisforward.dll as an ISAPI filter, do the following:
a). Go to Start->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
b). In the left pane, go to the active website (like “Default Web Site”) Right-click the active website and select Properties
c). Select the ISAPI Filters tab and press the Add button Filter name: WLS IIS Plugin (Or whatever you want)
d). Executable: C:InetpubWLS_IIS_Pluginiisforward.dll (Or whatever path you created)
e). Press OK twice, IIS6 does not allow the iisforward.dll ISAPI Extension to run by default.
To enable:
In the left pane of the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager,click on Web Service Extension (located under the computer name)
In the right pane, highlight All Unknown ISAPI Extensions and press
the Allow button
Step-4).To map .wlforward to use iisproxy.dll, do the following:
a). In the left pane, drill down to the active website (like “Default Web Site”)
b). Right-click the active website and select Properties
c). Select Home Directory tab
d). Click the Configuration… button.
e). In the Application Mapping tab, click the Add… button.
i). Executable: C:InetpubWLS_IIS_Pluginiisproxy.dll
ii). Extension: .wlforward
f). Uncheck Verify that file exists
g). IMPORTANT: Ensure .wlforward is *not* mapped to iisforward.dll. While this seems intuitive, it is wrong. .wlforward maps to iisproxy.dll.
h). Press OK three times
i). Exit the IIS Manager MMC console.
Step-5).Create a text file named iisproxy.ini and place it in the plug-in directory (e.g. c:InetpubWLS_IIS_Pluginiisproxy.ini)
Step-6).Restart IIS using the following CLI statement: iisreset /restart
Step-7).Use a browser to access IIS. This will ‘turn on’ the IIS->WLSISAPI filter.
Step-8).Relaunch the IIS Manager and check the ISAPI filter tab to ensure the iisforward.dll is now ‘turned on’, as evidenced by a green arrow.
Good it worked for me.
Thanks. It worked. Your steps were much simpler than Weblogic documentation.
Thanks 🙂
hi.. sorry how to do step 7?
This is so cool. Thanks a lot.
For some reason what should have been an simple configuration has been complicated by weblogic folks! the file names (iisproxy and iisforward.dll) are even more confusing during configuration. Thanks to you for step by step configuration.
As the other reader commented, your documentation is far better than the official documentation from weblogic
thanks for your comments glekko!!
Can you provide these steps for IIS 7.
Please refer this
IIS 7.5 is not working as per above steps it always displays No Mapping or Handler Not Found error code 0x80070002