Java option or server startup parameter can be use to collect statics, streamline and fine tune Weblogic application server performance issue.
Here is the scenario:
By default in Weblogic all services get initiated on server start that causes delay in JVM startup time. Let’s suppose in your current environment you do not need EJB’s, JCA or JMS services to start when you crank up Weblogic. To simply avoid having start these services on server start one can place this java option in file to stop the services getting initiated from server start.
- JAVA_OPTIONS=”${JAVA_OPTIONS} -DserverType=wlx”
Here Is How I Did It:
vi into file under $DOMAIN_HOME/bin :
I have placed it right above “# SET THE CLASSPATH” string. Here is the screenshot as an example. I have put a red check sign to show where java option can be place on the script.
Start the Admin Server using script and look for java option that we have placed in server start. Please see below screenshot, JAVA OPTION did get initiated and I have highlighted and underline it red in below screen shot.
Here is 2nd Scenario Modifying :
let’s suppose I want increase the heap size memory on server1 and also want collect garbage collection statics. Here is how we will do it using admin console.
-login to Admin Console -Click on server -click on server1 -click on Server Start
Go to bottom of page place the option in Arguments: square box as following. One to increase heap size memory with the following flag -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m and 2nd option is -Dweblogic.client.socket.ConnectTimeout=5000 save and activate changes and start server1
once server came online. I ran ps -ef | grep server1 command to see if java option flag has been applied after server restart. Looks like it does, please see below screenshot i have circled it in red.
Very Important note about 2nd scenario: placing java option in serverstart only will work if manage server is being start using nodemanager. It will not work if manage server is being start using script.